Advance ticket sales for the mith festival will begin on November 11

Pátek 13oo,22oo pak metaloteka

Sobota 11oo,22oo pak metaloteka

Friday 13 oo, 22oo then metallotek

Saturday 11oo, 22oo pak metalloteka

Road from Germany on highway 5 exit Tachov

Předprodej 700 cz 

Advance sale 700 cz 26 euro 

Na místě 1000 cz 

On the place 1000 cz 40 euro 

Parking in the festival area tent city in the festival area více informací na Facebook metal in Tachov heart vol 1 
The festival will take place in any weather, the main sponsor is Gambrinus, Jagermerister, Red Bull, a další 

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